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For nearly 25 years we have been searching for and finding exciting housing for you in Berlin,
because we love the capital city.

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Berlin Grunewald

APPROX. 1,050 SQM FILET BUILDING PLOT - FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION for a villa with 500 sqm of living space!
1.050 3.799.000 €
m² Landplot Monthly rate: 14.479,26 €

Berlin Kladow

Approx. 1,450 sqm WATER PROPERTY for new construction for 300 sqm WFL
1.450 2.000.000 €
m² Landplot Monthly rate: 7.622,67 €


New KP:SUNNY CA. 1,175 SQM BUILDING PLOT - for a villa with 390 sqm of living space
1.175 1.200.000 €
m² Landplot Monthly rate: 4.573,60 €

Further 500 properties can be found through your personal advisor.